Tampa Gala is a Sell Out - Sponsorship Tickets Still Available
With hundreds of people expected, the hottest event in the bay area this Saturday will be Equality Florida's Tampa Gala - so hot, in fact, that general admission to the Gala is now SOLD OUT!
We've planned a very exciting program. Mayor Pam Iorio, our special guest speaker, will be joined by Florida CFO Alex Sink and Hillsborough Commissioner Kevin Beckner. Equality Florida Executive Director, Nadine Smith, will give a State-of-the-State Address. And our fantastic host committee has planned a beautiful evening with delicious hors d'oeuvres and drinks - all taking place at Tom Hall and Kenny Jewett's magnificent home.
If you are interested in joining us for the Gala, a limited number of Sponsorship tickets still remain (beginning at $500 per couple), but hurry, they are going fast.
For more information on the gala and ticket availability, contact Equality Florida Deputy Director, Stratton Pollitzer, at 954-682-6094 / stratton@eqfl.org
Note: Sponsorships include two tickets to our very special Sponsors' Toast.