Subjects Needed for Research Study on Gay and Lesbian Parents

**Note from EQFL: This is a nationwide research project and it is so important to ensure that LGBT parents from Florida are included. Please contact the Principal Investigators below if you're interested. Time is of the essence.

Research Purpose:

The purpose of this study is to examine various individual and contextual factors that might affect the decision to have a child, the process of having a child, and parenting decisions for gay and lesbian individuals. The focus will be on the role of social networks and state-level factors, particularly the law, in shaping family outcomes.

Research Process:

If you agree to be a part of this study, you will be interviewed by one or both of the principal investigators. Following the main interview, there might be a follow-up contact to clarify any interview content.

Eligibility Criteria:

You are eligible to participate in this study if you (1) identify as gay, lesbian, or are in a same-sex partnership, and (2) have considered/explored parenthood options, are in the process of becoming a parent, or are a parent of one or more child.


We believe there to be minimal risk associated with participation in this study. Some subjects living in states with restrictive laws for gay men and lesbians may indicate during interviews that they have nonetheless engaged in adoption/fostering/surrogacy/etc. We will keep the identities of all subjects confidential and thus address the unlikely risk of legal sanctions.


While you will not directly benefit from participation, your participation may help investigators better understand predictors of parenthood for gay men and lesbians. This knowledge could inform public policy, such as legislation affecting gay and lesbian parenthood options.

Principal Investigators:

Amanda K. Baumle

Department of Sociology

University of Houston

(713) 743-3944

D’Lane R. Compton

Department of Sociology

University of New Orleans

(504) 280-6200

This project has been reviewed by the University of Houston Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects (713) 743-9204 and the University of New Orleans Office of Human Subjects Research (504) 280-5454.


October 2010

May 2010

October 2009

July 2009

June 2009

May 2009

April 2009