Resistance Report Week 9: Anti-LGBTQ Bills Fast-Tracked through the Legislature
Earlier today, the State House and Senate adjourned, finally putting an end to 60 of the most dangerous days in Florida: the Legislative Session.
Governor DeSantis’ GOP supermajority legislature prioritized his Slate of Hate – rubber stamping an unprecedented onslaught of bad bills aimed at taking our freedoms, censoring our voices, and infringing on our rights.
The Florida GOP tried to scare us, force us to be silent, and put us back in the closet. But throughout legislative session, the resistance only grew stronger. Our commitment has been to show up and fight every fight, and we did that every day of session, from every corner of the state.
And it doesn’t stop here. Legislative session was just the beginning. Our resistance will continue, because we’re determined to achieve a Florida where EVERY member of our community is protected and respected.
We know many in our community are worried about what could mean for their families and have serious questions about the impacts of the bills that passed and what happens next. We hope you can join our virtual Town Hall on Thursday, May 18 at 6:00 PM ET as we discuss the past 60 days of session and what you can do to protect your families.
We once again would like to thank the HUNDREDS of volunteer advocates who joined us to attend hearings, testify on various bad bills, and share their stories with lawmakers over the course of our session-long Pride at the Capitol Campaign. YOUR advocacy and engagement made a difference and created the public pressure necessary to help mitigate some of the worst harms from this session’s Slate of Hate. |
Volunteers showing up for our last week of Pride At The Capitol! |
Volunteers in the House gallery as they debate the License To Discriminate In Healthcare Bill |
Equality Florida and volunteer advocates joined the Dream Defenders for their teach-in and rally! |
This session, we faced an unprecedented level of attacks from the Florida GOP, but we kept the pressure up every single day with the help of our pro-equality champions in the legislature. This week’s WINNERS are Senators Tina Polsky, Jason Pizzo, and Lori Berman. These lions of the Senate used their voices and their skills to defend transgender youth, LGBTQ families, freedom from censorship and more in a number of floor battles this week. Together, they are shaping the debate around critical issues, highlighting the flawed and hypocritical logic in many of these bills. Using their background as lawyers, they’re helping lay the record for future legal challenges with their savvy amendments, questions, and debate. Way to go, Senators! This week’s LOSERS are Representatives Erin Grall, Rachel Plakon, and Jeff Holcomb. These three lawmakers have been at the forefront of some of the worst bills this session and have made some of the most hateful comments. Rep. Grall sponsored the extreme 6-week Abortion Ban bill that was signed into law last month. Rep. Plakon sponsored the Anti-Trans Bathroom bill that is currently on its way to the Governor’s Desk. And Rep. Holcomb co-sponsored the bathroom bill and made a horrifying admission on the House floor during debate when he said, “our terrorist enemies hate homosexuals more than we do.” |
During this final week of session, Republican lawmakers pushed through five of the worst bills of the session, just as the clock was running down. Here are legislative updates from the bad bills that advanced during week 9 of session:
What you need to know: This bill outlaws providing healthcare to transgender minors, including puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapy, and rare surgical interventions, stripping parents’ ability to seek medically-necessary health care for their children. While much of the bill proponents’ rhetoric focused on transgender youth, multiple bill provisions impact consenting transgender adults. The bill bans government entities from offering them gender affirming healthcare insurance, restricts their ability to access TeleHealth for care in the way nearly all other healthcare can be delivered, and denies their ability to receive care from highly trained nurses that provide a large portion of the gender affirming care in the state. It also allows courts – not other state agencies – to exercise jurisdiction in limited cases to modify an existing custody agreement when a parent may seek access to care for their minor child in another state. With your help, Equality Florida was able to successfully narrow this bill from the much more extreme House companion filed by Representative Randy Fine. The House version, aka the Trans Ban Bill, would have banned private health insurance providers entirely from covering care for transgender adults and barred transgender Floridians from updating the gender on their birth certificates. The bill, as passed, also allows certain transgender youth already receiving gender-affirming treatments to continue doing so, whereas the House provisions would have terminated all care by the end of the year. While these distinctions may appear minor, preserving access to medically necessary care for trans people saves lives, and YOUR advocacy helped make a real difference In a frenzy on Thursday, SB 254 was ultimately heard on the Senate floor and passed with a vote of 26-13 and was then rushed back to the House and passed with a vote of 83-28. The bill now heads to Governor DeSantis’s desk for signature. Once signed, the law goes into effect immediately. |
*Senator Gayle Harrell (R-Stuart) was the only Republican to vote against SB 254. |
How you can get involved: CALL DeSantis at 850-717-9337 and tell him hate has no place in our state! Also, call these lawmakers who represent large pro-equality voter blocs and let them know you’re going to hold them accountable: Senator Corey Simon (R) - 850-487-5003 Senator Joe Gruters (R) - 850-487-5022 Senator Jay Collins (R) - 850-487-5014 Senator Illeana Garcia (R) - 850-487-5036 Senator Alexis Calatayud (R) - 850-487-5038
Rep. Susan Plasencia (R) - 850-717-5037 Rep. David Smith (R) - 850-717-5038 Rep. Carolina Amesty (R) - 850-717-5045 Rep. Paula Stark (R) - 850-717-5047 Rep. Fabian Basabe (R) - 850-717-5106 Rep. Peggy Gossett-Seidman (R) - 850-717-5091 Rep. Vicki Lopez (R) - 850-717-5113 Rep. Chip LaMarca (R) - 850-717-5100 Rep. Will Robinson (R) - 850-717-5071 Rep. Jim Mooney (R) - 850-717-5120
What you need to know: This bill criminalizes transgender people for using the restroom that matches the gender they live every day. It prohibits gender-inclusive restrooms and changing facilities in schools, prisons, detention centers and government buildings. Initially, the bill impacted private businesses and healthcare facilities, as well, but following extensive public outcry, including the hard work of advocates and allies, it was narrowed from its original scope. Transgender people are part of our families, workplaces, and our neighborhoods, and this law makes it impossible for them to go about their daily lives like other Floridians. It also opens the door to abuse, mistreatment, and more. The House version of this bill (HB 1521) was heard on both the Senate AND House floor this week. On Wednesday, it passed on the Senate floor with a vote of 26-12 and then it moved to the House floor where it was immediately taken up and passed with a vote of 80-36. This bill now moves to Governor DeSantis’ desk for signature. Once signed, the law goes into effect July 1, 2023. |
*Senator Gayle Harrell (R-Stuart), Rep. Paula Stark (R-Kissimmee), and Rep. Cyndi Stevenson (R-St. Augustine) were the only Republicans to vote against HB 1521. |
How you can get involved: CALL DeSantis at 850-717-9337 and tell him hate has no place in our state! Also, call these lawmakers who represent large pro-equality voter blocs and let them know you’re going to hold them accountable: Senator Corey Simon (R) - 850-487-5003 Senator Joe Gruters (R) - 850-487-5022 Senator Jay Collins (R) - 850-487-5014 Senator Illeana Garcia (R) - 850-487-5036 Senator Alexis Calatayud (R) - 850-487-5038
Rep. Susan Plasencia (R) - 850-717-5037 Rep. David Smith (R) - 850-717-5038 Rep. Carolina Amesty (R) - 850-717-5045 Rep. Fabian Basabe (R) - 850-717-5106 Rep. Peggy Gossett-Seidman (R) - 850-717-5091 Rep. Vicki Lopez (R) - 850-717-5113 Rep. Chip LaMarca (R) - 850-717-5100 Rep. Will Robinson (R) - 850-717-5071 Rep. Jim Mooney (R) - 850-717-5120
What you need to know: This bill would expand the Don’t Say LGBTQ law’s censorship provisions to 8th grade and revoke the right of parents to determine which pronouns the school system will use to address their own children. It would permit MORE book-banning and mandate IMMEDIATE REMOVAL of school books targeted for certain objections before they’re even reviewed. This bill would also revoke local school districts’ ability to craft comprehensive sex education, handing control of curriculum to the State Department of Education and further politicizing our classrooms. The Don’t Say LGBTQ law has already caused sweeping damage across our state and expanding it is not only wrong, it perpetuates the political crusade against LGBTQ Floridians. The House version of this bill (HB 1069) was heard on the Senate floor this week and passed after a vote of 27-12. This bill now moves to Governor DeSantis’ desk for signature. Once signed, the law goes into effect July 1, 2023. |
*Senator Gayle Harrell (R-Stuart) was the only Republican to vote against HB 1069. |
How you can get involved: CALL DeSantis at 850-717-9337 and tell him hate has no place in our state! Also, call these lawmakers who represent large pro-equality voter blocs and let them know you’re going to hold them accountable: Senator Corey Simon (R) - 850-487-5003 Senator Joe Gruters (R) - 850-487-5022 Senator Jay Collins (R) - 850-487-5014 Senator Illeana Garcia (R) - 850-487-5036 Senator Alexis Calatayud (R) - 850-487-5038
What you need to know: This bill prioritizes personal beliefs over patient well-being. It would allow healthcare providers and for-profit insurers to deny a patient care on the basis of religious, moral or ethical beliefs. It creates a license to discriminate by allowing healthcare employers to discriminate in hiring, and it bars medical boards from disciplining doctors for spreading misinformation. No one should be denied access to critical medical care. Despite fears from LGBTQ advocates that this legislation could open the door for discrimination in healthcare services for LGBTQ families and other minorities, the Senate version of this bill (SB 1580) was heard on the House floor this week and passed after a vote of 84-34. This bill now moves to Governor DeSantis’s desk for signature. Once signed, the law goes into effect July 1, 2023. |
How you can get involved: CALL Ron DeSantis at 850-717-9337 and tell him not to sign SB 1580 into law. Also, call these lawmakers who represent large pro-equality voter blocs and let them know you’re going to hold them accountable: Rep. Susan Plasencia (R) - 850-717-5037 Rep. David Smith (R) - 850-717-5038 Rep. Carolina Amesty (R) - 850-717-5045 Rep. Paula Stark (R) - 850-717-5047 Rep. Fabian Basabe (R) - 850-717-5106 Rep. Peggy Gossett-Seidman (R) - 850-717-5091 Rep. Vicki Lopez (R) - 850-717-5113 Rep. Chip LaMarca (R) - 850-717-5100 Rep. Will Robinson (R) - 850-717-5071 Rep. Jim Mooney (R) - 850-717-5120 The MAGA Takeover of Higher Education (HB 999/SB 266): What you need to know: This bill is part of the censorship agenda that would shift control of higher education in Florida towards DeSantis and his appointees. It would ban state or federal funding for critical diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives that help LGBTQ and minority students thrive , and ban general education courses that address concepts including systemic racism, sexism, oppression, or privilege. It would also allow political appointees to rewrite mission statements at all 12 public universities. The Senate version of this bill (SB 266) was heard on the House floor and passed by a vote of 81-34.This bill now moves to Governor DeSantis’ desk for signature. Once signed, the law goes into effect July 1, 2023. |
How you can get involved: CALL DeSantis at 850-717-9337 and tell him hate has no place in our state! Also, call these lawmakers who represent large pro-equality voter blocs and let them know you’re going to hold them accountable: Rep. Susan Plasencia (R) - 850-717-5037 Rep. David Smith (R) - 850-717-5038 Rep. Carolina Amesty (R) - 850-717-5045 Rep. Paula Stark (R) - 850-717-5047 Rep. Fabian Basabe (R) - 850-717-5106 Rep. Peggy Gossett-Seidman (R) - 850-717-5091 Rep. Vicki Lopez (R) - 850-717-5113 Rep. Chip LaMarca (R) - 850-717-5100 Rep. Will Robinson (R) - 850-717-5071 Rep. Jim Mooney (R) - 850-717-5120 |
In addition to the bills mentioned above that saw movement this week, there are a couple of other bad bills still awaiting signature from Governor DeSantis before they become law:
What you need to know: This bill is NOT an outright ban on drag or prides, but it threatens excessive fines and license revocation against LGBTQ-friendly businesses, and possible jail time for individuals who admit minors into “adult live performances.” It uses vague and subjective language that will have a chilling effect on drag shows, an intended consequence of the bill. Like book bans and curriculum censorship, heavy-handed government regulation of drag is part of an ongoing effort to marginalize the LGBTQ community and their allies. Republican lawmakers also amended their bill to include “adult live performances” at city pride parades in an attempt to intimidate LGBTQ-friendly cities out of permitting any drag at all. But we refuse to let this bill stop us. Our community and its allies will continue to STAND STRONG and fight against the state’s all-out assaults on our democracy and our freedom. Partisan School Board Elections (HB 31/SB 94) What you need to know: This resolution seeks to make Florida school board elections partisan. School Boards have been nonpartisan since 1998. Now they are under fire, targeted by extremists for putting children’s needs and safety first. School Boards should be about student success – not partisan battlefields. Friend, we are asking you to CALL DeSantis at 850-717-9337 and tell him to stop marginalizing our community and to keep politics out of our classrooms! The Florida GOP and Governor DeSantis made headlines this week as they continued to ram through their unpopular, extreme right-wing agenda. But we’re making headlines too. |
With your help, we’re going to continue this fight. And we’re not just fighting in Tallahassee, we’re showing up throughout our communities, too. On Monday, hundreds rallied against DeSantis’ war on freedom. People representing dozens of organizations in support of immigrants rights, workers’ rights, civil rights, reproductive freedom, and more all came together with one message: This is our home. This is what the future looks like. Expect us. Equality Florida was proud to join the “March For Our Dreams & Freedom"! |
This Summer, we’re putting the PROTEST back into PRIDE. Help us hold lawmakers accountable for voting against our community. Florida deserves better, and we’re going to continue to make our voices heard! Will you join our Pride team? |
Thank you for being part of our session-long Pride at the Capitol campaign and for joining us in Tallahassee, and virtually, to resist DeSantis’ agenda. Next week, we’ll provide you a full recap of ALL our priority bills from this Legislative Session so you know which bills passed and which bills didn’t make it past the finish line this year. The fight doesn’t stop here. Make sure you’re following us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok for the latest updates and information on how we’re going to keep resisting beyond session. |