November 28, 2007 - 10:26am

Rise Up Rally Wed Needs Your Body

Posted by: "M Fox"   tampabaydemocracy

Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:11 am (PST)

Given the media frenzy started around the homeless protest -- numerous mentions on tv news and front page above the fold in Sat St. Pete Times, with follow up Monday -- it looks as though the media will be focusing on what's going on outside of the Mahaffee as well as the CNN/Youtube debate taking place within.

So now's a great time to help get attention paid to the need for grassroots organizing to take this "pay for play", tv-extravanza'd system back from the neocons.

The Rise Up Unity Rally is designed to do just that. Please attend. It's free, will be a great opportunity to network with active citizens, and the more bodies we have the more likely CNN will pay attention as well!

Hope to see you there.

Mike Fox

What: Unity Rally and March Calling For Change In The Corporate Media And A Political Process That Isn't Addressing Our Needs. Answer: Grassroots Activism

When: Wed, Nov 28 , 2pm-10pm. (Before, during, and after CNN/You Tube Rep Pres Debate)

Rally: Pioneer Park, 1 Beach Dr. SE , St. Petersburg, FL (Central Ave E until you hit water. And also bordered by the northern edge of the POLICE BARACADE.) Speakers, acoustic music, tabling, and straw poll of all presidential candidates, regardless of party 

March: From the park to the closest space to the Mahaffee Theater where security will allow us to gather on the sidewalks. Starts at 6pm.

Purpose: Attract media attention, provide organizations opportunities to network, and inspire those individuals not currently active to become so 

Theme: Rise Up! The System Is Broken

Endorsing Orgs: Florida Consumer Action Network, Florida Progressive Dems Of America, Dem. Exec Cmtees of Pinellas, Hillsoborugh, and Pasco Counties, Ron Paul For Pres. FL Meetup Groups, Green Party Of Florida, Libertarian Party of Pinellas , Tampa Bay Democracy For America, Florida Peace Action Network, Veterans For Peace, Various Chapters, Code Pink, Various Chapters, Miltary Families Speak Out, Fl, Pinellas County NOW, Floridians For Healthcare For All, Various Clergy, and other clubs and issue related groups.

More Info:


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