Miami Herald: Alex Sink Headlines EQFL Broward Gala
NOTE: Alex Sink headlined Equality Florida's Broward Gala Sunday evening and received the 2009 "Voice for Equality" award, our highest honor. LGBT champion, Sen. Nan Rich, who is working hard to overturn the adoption ban, introduced Alex.
Here is Alex Sink's official statement on the issue:
"I support changing current law because it is bad public policy for a child in need of a home to be arbitrarily barred from being adopted. Family law judges should have only one consideration in adoption cases: What is in the best interest of each child."
Here's an excerpt of the Miami Herald Article:
Posted on Monday, 11.16.09
Sink backs adoption by gays, lesbians
Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink headlined an Equality Florida reception in Fort Lauderdale that raised about $175,000 for the gay rights group.
Alex Sink, Florida's chief financial officer and the leading Democratic candidate for governor, told the state's largest gay rights group Sunday that homosexuals should be allowed to adopt if it's in the children's ``best interest.''
Florida is the only state with an outright ban on adoption by lesbians and gay men. Sink said it should be up to a judge to determine whether it's in a child's best interest to be adopted, on a case-by-case basis.
``We need a system in which all of our children are assured that they live in a healthy, loving home -- a home that's determined not by any law,'' Sink told about 300 gay activists who packed a gallery of modern artwork at the Museum of Art in Fort Lauderdale. ``The decision has to be made by the judge, in consultation with the experts, to determine what is the best for that individual child.'' (read more)