Hillsborough County Residents Unite Against Bullying Candlelight Vigil

DATE: Tonight, Sunday, October 24th 2010
TIME: 6:00pm to ...Approx 8:00pm
LOCATION: 1900 North 15th Street. Tampa, Florida, 33605
Map: http://bit.ly/clRZ7t
(Across the street from MC Film Festival and Street Car Charlies)
PLEASE NOTE: We will gather in HCC parking Lot on the corner of 8th Avenue and 15th Street at 6:00 P.M. Then together we will walk up 7th avenue to Centennial Park. Which is located between 18th and 19th streets (8th Avenue) Tampa, FL 33605

PLEASE READ: First, we're so very grateful with the outpouring of community support against bullying and candlelight vigil in memory of our teens lives lost to Bullycide.. We ask that you please wear "Purple", bring a candle(s), clear plastic cup(s) or battery operated one. This is a true grassroots event, with no funds to purchase the number candles needed for the large number of people attending. If your business. group, organization or house of worship would like to donate candles, it would be much appreciated. Please contact Zeke at pridetb@verizon.net if you wish to help with this.


October 2010

May 2010

October 2009

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April 2009