Are You Ready To Make a Real Difference? Camp Equality Florida July 11-12th

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world…
indeed, it is the only thing that ever has!”
- Margaret Mead

Are you ready to take a stand for equality? Are you ready to make a difference in your community? Are you ready to learn the organizing skills you need to motivate volunteers and create change?

Join us for Camp Equality Florida July 11-12 in Orlando.

This intensive two-day training is designed to teach the principles of effective community organizing to activists committed to LGBT equality in Florida

Grassroots organizing experts will lead workshops on:

  • Reaching People by Telling Your Story
  • Team Building and Leadership Development
  • Fundraising
  • Media Relations
  • Grassroots Organizing
  • Creating a Strategic Plan for a Local Campaign

Built on the training model that powered Barack Obama's Presidential campaign, Camp Equality Florida will build a bottom-up grassroots movement in the state of Florida starting with you, right in your own community. You will gain the skills necessary to build an organizing team, plan a strategy for political change, and tell your personal story to win pro-equality legislation in your community!

Equality Florida will put a high priority on training teams of 4 or more individuals from each community, who will work together on local action plans throughout Florida. Sign up today and reach out to people in your community whom you believe will make strong team members.

Invite other local leaders to join you at Camp Equality Florida!

Courage Campaign (located in California) has run a similar grassroots training as Equality Florida called Camp Courage using the same model as Camp Obama. The video below highlights their Los Angeles Training:

Camp Equality Florida is planned for Saturday July 11th and Sunday July 12th in Orlando. Registration is only $25 and includes food and materials. Applications are due Wednesday, June 10th, 2009. Space is limited so apply today! Remember, Priority is given to local teams of 4 or more, so recruit your friends and colleagues!

Click Here to Sign Up Today!*

We look forward to seeing you at Camp Equality Florida!

PS If you're interested in the Camp Equality Florida training but absolutely cannot make the July 11 & 12th dates, email us at We'll keep you informed of possible future trainings.

*If the above link is not working, cut and past the following link into your browser:


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