Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Hannah Willard, Public Policy Director
Nadine Smith, CEO
160+ Organizations Join Equality Florida’s #HonorThemWithAction Campaign
ORLANDO, FL -- Hundreds of individuals and more than 160 organizations across the country have joined #HonorThemWithAction, a nationwide campaign to commemorate the one-year mark of the Pulse massacre. The campaign was launched by Equality Florida, the state’s largest LGBTQ advocacy and education organization, to kick-off Pride Month.
Organizations who have signed-on to the campaign commit to taking action to raise awareness about the work they are doing to uproot anti-LGBTQ bias, discrimination, and violence.
Individuals and organizations are using the hashtag #HonorThemWithAction and many are hosting Pulse memorial events this month in remembrance of the 49 lives taken, most of them LGBTQ and Latinx young people. currently lists over 70 events nationwide, including 31 events in Florida, ranging from small-scale fundraisers, large candlelight vigils, and prayer services at houses of worship.
“It is important that we mourn those taken, injured and traumatized by this horrific attack.
And we must do more than mourn. We have to uproot the hate and bigotry that too often becomes discrimination and violence,” said Nadine Smith, CEO of Equality Florida. “Our #HonorThemWithAction nationwide campaign is a call to everyone to take action that will make a lasting difference as we commemorate the 49 lives taken from us one year ago.”
The 160+ Pulse Partners include national organizations like the National LGBTQ Task Force and the Human Rights Campaign, as well as local LGBTQ community centers and state-level advocacy organizations.
“We have been inspired once again by the outpouring of love and support from our LGBTQ family and allies across the country,” added Hannah Willard, public policy director of Equality Florida. “Our partners have creatively captured the spirit of #HonorThemWithAction and we invite individuals and organizations to join the movement to ensure the lasting memorial of the Pulse massacre is a better and safer world for all of us.”
All individuals and organizations interested in participating in the national campaign can visit